Making sense of termites. What to do if your neighbour has termites and won’t eradicate them.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Wow! It’s hard to believe that we are into the fifth year of the greenpest newsletter. So much has changed in five years, yet some things remain constant. Termites still attack homes the same way they always have… sneakily and persistently. Fortunately, termite control measures are continually improving. We all know the phrase, ‘You can
- Published in Pest Talk
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Apathy creates termite problems.
Friday, 25 October 2013
This newsletter is probably the toughest one that we’ve had to put together since we first started our newsletters a few years ago. The reason it was so difficult is because we had hoped to bring you details on a new termite warranty idea for the Green Termite Bait System. Unfortunately it is not to
- Published in Pest Talk